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Hello, I'm Simona

And I'd love to help you.


Through my career, training and personal experiences, I am well equipped to help people with a range of challenges and help them achieve their goals.


I practice Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (CBH), an evidence based approach, combining cognitive behavioural therapy techniques with hypnosis. Key to my approach is to give clients techniques that they can learn and practice outside of the therapeutic sessions, enabling them to bring long-lasting changes.


Level 5 diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy issued by NCFE. Course approved by the British Psychology Society.

My Story

With more than 20 years experience in the corporate business, and mainly as a senior HR professional, working with people to achieve their full potential has been part of my career aim for many years.


Having retrained as a hypnotherapist at The UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, my mission and goal is to help people bring a positive change in their lives. Whether by helping them conquering a fear, learning techniques to manage their anxiety and changing a unhelpful habit.  


Why Dandelion Hypnotherapy: “dandelions represent the return of life, the rebirth of growth and green after a harsh winter, and a display of abundant strength and power.” The Dandelion flower is a symbol of growth, hope, and healing.

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